Paulo's Place

Anything - and I mean anything - on the wacky, bored mind of Paulo Camacho.

Friday, October 06, 2006

Top 5 Reasons more guys should show up @ The Grad's Salsa Night

Look. It's Thursday night. You're a guy who doesn't have much to do. Maybe you're a guy who has a lot to do, and just wants to hang out. Doesn't matter. Go to Salsa Night @ The Grad. I'm telling you, you probably won't regret it. I went last night with Brett - he knows exactly what I'm talking about. Here's five good reasons why you should take my advise:

5. The girls are CUTE ...
- I'm telling you. There are some really hot, really cute girls there, just looking for a good time (but not THAT kind ... perverts ...)

4. The girls usually outnumber the guys.
- That means you usually have your venerable pick of girls to dance with. Just go up and ask her.

3. Oh, yeah ... the girls are CUTE.
- I know I said it before, but ... dammit, it bears repeating.

2. Even if you don't want to dance, sit back and watch the sports.
- Look, you may be bashful, or have two left feet, or whatever - fine. There's sports on, like, 20 screens. Watch highlights or late night games. Hell, watch the hot girls salsa dancing, if that's what floats your boat.

and, #1:
Did I mention the girls are HOT?
- 'Nuff said. Right, Brett?


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