Paulo's Place

Anything - and I mean anything - on the wacky, bored mind of Paulo Camacho.

Sunday, October 15, 2006

Friendship Games ... or the Homecoming Game?

I really don't know what to do, here. I'm really torn. First of all, why did these two things have to fall on the same damn weekend, anyway? Why couldn't Central Arkansas be our Homecoming game? I mean, wouldn't that make sense? After all, they did "come home" for the first time all season.

Look, if anyone's reading this, I need your opinion. If I didn't care about football, that'd be one thing. If I didn't care to be involved with Mga Kapatid and the Fil-Am community, that'd be another. But, dammit, I DO care about football, and I DO want to be more involved in the Fil-Am community.

So, it's like this. Friendship games, over at CSU Fullerton, is this huge Filipino-American (or, Fil-Am, as everyone likes to call it) event from October 20th to the 22nd. I've never been, but I hear it's the sh*t: people from all over the state show up at this thing. If it were any other weekend, hands down, I'm there, no questions asked ...

But, it happens to be on HOMECOMING WEEKEND. It's Homecoming. It's UCD Football. It's the biggest game of the year for UCD (I guess). Everybody makes a big deal out of it, and I feel lilke I want to be part of it, too. All the tradition - the bonfire, all of that - and the game, itself is crazy. Especially in the Aggie Pack.

So, what do I do? Spend 30 bucks and go to Friendship games, while missing the biggest game of the season? Or, go to the game, and miss one of the biggest Fil-Am events of the year? ...

Eenie-meenie-meiny-moe ...

(Seriously, I'm asking for other people's opinions. So, please - give me some advise. I really don't want to resort to chance ...)

Friday, October 06, 2006

Top 5 Reasons more guys should show up @ The Grad's Salsa Night

Look. It's Thursday night. You're a guy who doesn't have much to do. Maybe you're a guy who has a lot to do, and just wants to hang out. Doesn't matter. Go to Salsa Night @ The Grad. I'm telling you, you probably won't regret it. I went last night with Brett - he knows exactly what I'm talking about. Here's five good reasons why you should take my advise:

5. The girls are CUTE ...
- I'm telling you. There are some really hot, really cute girls there, just looking for a good time (but not THAT kind ... perverts ...)

4. The girls usually outnumber the guys.
- That means you usually have your venerable pick of girls to dance with. Just go up and ask her.

3. Oh, yeah ... the girls are CUTE.
- I know I said it before, but ... dammit, it bears repeating.

2. Even if you don't want to dance, sit back and watch the sports.
- Look, you may be bashful, or have two left feet, or whatever - fine. There's sports on, like, 20 screens. Watch highlights or late night games. Hell, watch the hot girls salsa dancing, if that's what floats your boat.

and, #1:
Did I mention the girls are HOT?
- 'Nuff said. Right, Brett?