Paulo's Place

Anything - and I mean anything - on the wacky, bored mind of Paulo Camacho.

Saturday, September 16, 2006

my slight, SLIGHT brush with celebrity

So, check this out ... it's not Paris Hilton, or even Timothy Busfield, but I just had a celebrity sighting last night ...

I was at Borders last night, waiting to meet up with some international students at Sophie's Thai Kitchen. I was perusing the aisles, minding my own business, and I glance up, and, across the aisle, just a few feet away, is Jack Armstrong, from Armstrong & Getty. Taller than I thought ... shiny head ... I mean, there he was. I didn't want to bother the guy, so I went on my way, but it was him. I quote him on my profile, for God's sakes - Jack "Get over it. People need to be heartier." Armstrong! Screw y'all if you think it's retarded. I thought it was cool.


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