Paulo's Place

Anything - and I mean anything - on the wacky, bored mind of Paulo Camacho.

Friday, April 13, 2007

So, Apparently, I was on TV Last Night ...

NOTE: This is actually an important UC Davis story, and I don't mean to lessen it by telling my own anecdote about it. Read the story and speak out. Power to the student body!

Alright, so, anyway ... it was the strangest thing.

I had just gotten out of my Soc 193 class with my friend, Adri. We were walking to the parking lot, going to get something to eat. In front of us was a TV reporter and a news camera. The reporter stops us both, asking if we have 30 seconds to talk on-camera about a news story. At this point, I'm thinking about Adri, who obviously didn't want to be at school (she was getting over a cold), let alone on TV. But, I said, "Sure."

So, this reporter (who I have come to find out to be Koula Gianulias) tells me about this UCD employee that allegedly embezzled $160,000 from school funds, while still receiving pension from the school. I was speechless - I really didn't know what to say. I kind of rambled on for a good 20 seconds how I was shocked, appalled and outraged. They thanked me for my time, and I went on my way. I even told Adri they probably wouldn't use my ramblings on the air.

Fast forward to this morning:

I get a message from my dad. My mom sends me a text message. Both telling me that I was on CBS 13's 10:00 newscast last night! It was all by chance that they saw me, apparently (they don't watch the news on CBS 13 that often). I was shocked - They put me on the air?! If you don't believe me, they even quote me in a written story about it - and they spell my name right! (Go to CBS, look for Local news: Former UC Davis Employee Allegedly Takes $160K)

Well, anyway ... did anyone watch the CBS 13 news last night? Does anyone have this on TiVo or something? I'm curious to see this story myself ... I just think it's hilarious that I was on TV. :)