Paulo's Place

Anything - and I mean anything - on the wacky, bored mind of Paulo Camacho.

Wednesday, March 21, 2007

My Slight Brush With Celebrity ... Pt. II

Continuing my series in run-ins with famous people ... this is my second, by the way ... I just wanted to talk about this for a second.

So, I was coming off of my flight, waiting for my brother at the Austin Airport. I went to baggage claim, and got my bags. I went to sit down at another carousel, and, naturally, being a sociologist, I looked around at the random faces in the crowd.

Okay, so, before I get to my next part (storyteller I'm trying to be), I should make it clear that today was UT's Pro Day - that's basically when many NFL teams' scouts and coaching staffs come to the University of Texas to take a look at Pro prospects for the upcoming draft in April.

Now, as I was saying, I was looking around, and guess who I see, standing in the middle of the terminal, waiting for his luggage? Chicago Bears Head Coach Lovie Smith.

I wasn't sure, at first - I had to take a second look ... and a third look ... and a fourth. After awhile, I was convinced he was Lovie Smith. He was wearing orange - a Chicago Bears team color - and he was talking to a guy who was wearing navy blue and orange - natural Chicago Bears colors. I even overheard him speaking - same southern twang in his voice. That was definitely him.

I wanted to go up to him and ask for his autograph - but, what would I say? "Coach Smith ... sorry about that Super Bowl loss ... stick with Rex Grossman, he'll get it eventually"? What am I, nuts? Although, I did want to get a picture with him and send it to Anne and Colleen - I know they're Bears fans. I wasn't sure whether to even bother the guy.

Anyway, I didn't approach him - my brother called me and picked me up before I had the chance to say anything. Oh, well. Anyway, that's it. Being a huge sports fan, that was a pretty surreal experience - even though I didn't even do anything.

Monday, March 05, 2007

Songs of Significance: "Joy To The World" by Three Dog Night

When you go through your music collection, you stumble upon songs that just bring back memories. For me, that happens often – “Songs of Significance,” I call them. There’s probably a song that brings back any given particular memory. Today, I would like to mention one of those songs – “Joy to the World” by Three Dog Night.

And, no, it’s not because “Forrest Gump” was one of my favorite movies growing up. (As a matter of fact, I honestly didn’t know what to make of it when I first saw it.)
No, this holds particular significance because it brings back the memory of when I first heard it – my sixth grade talent show. I sang “Unforgettable” by Nat King Cole, that year. It was some good times (I guess). But, I guess that's beside the point: The first time I heard this song, it was used as for a routine by four girls – Carin Taorimino, Jana Jun, Kristen Laguna and Kim Yacksan – which, for some reason, stuck out for me. Can’t explain it, really – maybe it was their routine, or something. Anyway, I’ll always think of those four whenever I hear that song, and that kickass talent show, 11 years ago.

Alright. That’s all. Just a random observation. Okay, folks, show’s over, nothing to see here …