Paulo's Place

Anything - and I mean anything - on the wacky, bored mind of Paulo Camacho.

Wednesday, September 27, 2006

A Strange Anniversary ...

I just realized today is September 27th. It's been awhile since I've actually thought about this, but it was fairly recently that I was deathly feared this day to my very core ... for the stupidest of reasons.

Some of you already know this story, so I shall tell it briefly. It was the subject of many a speech and writing while I was at Solano College. It was ridiculous, really - it was March 2004, and I was reading a Maxim Magazine (mind you, it was an "April Fools" issue) with Paris Hilton on the cover. There was an article claiming there was a "63.8 chance an asteroid would strike the earth September 27th". I knew it had to be a joke - some ploy fake headline to talk about what would happen if an asteroid hit Earth. But the paranoid, conspiracy-theory part of my mind just took me over, and I ACTUALLY thought we would all be staring death and destruction in the face in late September, 2004. The thought of Earth - my family, my friends, and the rest of the world, life itself - snuffed out by a renegade space rock just when the school year was starting up scared the shit out of me. I probably gave myself some unnecessary ulcers, considering all the time I wasted worrying about it.

It took awhile to convince myself that nothing was going to happen September 27, 2004. I did hear about the Asteroid Toutatis coming NEAR Earth on September 29, 2004, which eased my mind a bit.

Then, 9/27/04 came and went ... and, obviously, we were all still here.

9/29/04 also came and went ... and, obviously, we were all still here.

So, I went on living my life. It was all so silly - the rational side of me must have kept me in check, because I did nothing drastic in those couple months where I actually thought there was an asteroid with our name on it about to hit us. I call it laziness - but, that's beside the point. The point is, it's a stupid anecdote I can tell (with some embarrassment) for the rest of my life.

Saturday, September 16, 2006

my slight, SLIGHT brush with celebrity

So, check this out ... it's not Paris Hilton, or even Timothy Busfield, but I just had a celebrity sighting last night ...

I was at Borders last night, waiting to meet up with some international students at Sophie's Thai Kitchen. I was perusing the aisles, minding my own business, and I glance up, and, across the aisle, just a few feet away, is Jack Armstrong, from Armstrong & Getty. Taller than I thought ... shiny head ... I mean, there he was. I didn't want to bother the guy, so I went on my way, but it was him. I quote him on my profile, for God's sakes - Jack "Get over it. People need to be heartier." Armstrong! Screw y'all if you think it's retarded. I thought it was cool.